Me in front of the dome of Val-de-Grâce church, Paris

I am an Engineer, and I have a PhD. from MINES ParisTech (aka l'École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris), a top French engineering school — which is now part of the PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) Research University.

A copy of my résumé is available here.

Research Engineer at Mines Paris PSL (2024 —)

Since May 2024, I've been hired as a Research Engineer in the Geoscience Center of Mines Paris PSL.

Besides HYTEC, I also worked on

  • gstlearn, the Geostatistics software library and
  • cawaqs, the water catchment basin simulator.

Post-doc at Mines Paris PSL (2023 — 2024)

Between 2023 and 2024, I've been working on HYTEC, a software simulator for Reactive Transport, as part of the Hydrodynamics & Reaction team of the Geoscience Center of Mines Paris PSL, back in Fontainebleau.

My work consisted in the parallelization of the flow and transport solvers inside HYTEC.

Post-doc at Sorbonne Université/CNRS (2019 — 2023)

Since February 2019, I am a member of the APR team at the LIP6 research center (the biggest computer research center in France), Sorbonne Université, in the Jussieu campus in Paris.

My work there as research engineer focuses on Topological Data Analysis, involving 3D meshes and the Topology ToolKit library. This library extends the ParaView scientific visualization software application by providing new data filters. My main realizations for the time being comprise

  • a quadrangulation generator from the Morse-Smale Complex of a manifold,
  • a Rips Complex generator,
  • a fast algorithm to compute Persistence Diagrams and extract 1-dimensional generators of 3D data-sets: DiscreteMorseSandwich.

among some more general work on software quality and maintenance.

Engineering and PhD at Mines Paris - PSL (2010 — 2018)

Having succeeding in entering Mines Paris - PSL, I then spent three years there (in the middle of Paris) before graduating from it. I moved afterwards to Fontainebleau (~60km from Paris, big French royal palace), as a PhD. student in the Centre de recherche en informatique (Computer Science Research Center – CRI).

I successfully defended my thesis on November the 30th, 2016.

Eventually, I spent one more year there as a post-doctoral fellow.

Education (2004 — 2010)

After finishing my secondary school years in Lycée Saint-Louis, Lorient, Brittany, I attended what is called in France the Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles, or simply prépa, cursus, in Lycée Dupuy de Lôme, in the same city.

The prépa is a two-year intensive, maths-focused cursus, and ends with national competitive exams, offering places in the Grandes Écoles, which are French engineering schools.


In case someone wants to write me, here is my current e-mail address (with a sprinkling of obfuscation):

gro (tod) sirap-senim (ta) uolliug (tod) erreip